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Origin: Bolivia
Region: La Asunta
Farm: Cooperative San Juan
Varieties: RedCatuai, Typica
Elevation: 1500 MASL
Process: Washed 

Cupping Notes: Pecan, Cocoa with Mellow Acidity & Sweet Aroma


Cooperativa San Juan was founded in 1974 in Caranavi, La Paz, Bolivia. Caranavi is by far the largest coffee growing area in Bolivia, accounting for about 90% of the total coffee production in the country. Over 30 individual farms are members of this coop.  This is a Fair Trade and Organic certified coop. Felix Chambi Garcia is a pioneer in Bolivian specialty coffee and a core member of the team and our main point of contact for this project. Felix is extremely engaged in the specialty coffee scene in Bolivia, and brings that excitement to the development work being done with this farmers and coop members. In Bolivia, coffee is processed and dried at the individual farm level, then coffee is brought to the coop's central facility in Allto Cochabamba for evaluation and lot building. At the farm level, coffee is often depulped by hand, fermented for about 1 full day, then dried on raised beds. One the big initiatives the coop is working on is getting more mechanical demucilaginators to standardize the wet milling process at the farm level. 

La Asunta is a municipality in the department of La Paz in North-Western Bolivia, specifically, the central part of the province of Sud Yungas. La Asunta has a very rugged topography, with irregular reliefs of hills and steep slopes. The water resources of the municipality are fed by countless waterfalls up to 400 meters high from the main rivers of the Boopí and the Cotacajes. The region has a warm climate with an average temperature of 28°C, registering a drop in winter of 19°C and a humidity of 70%, with rainfall in normal years of 1,300 mm. La Asunta is located 217 kilometers by road northeast of La Paz, the department's capital city. 

Bolivia - Cooperative San Juan - Red Catuai, Typica

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