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Origin: Honduras
Region: Santiago de Puringla
Farmers: Luha & Issel
Varieties: Catuai, Typica, IH90
Elevation: 1700 - 1800 m.a.s.l.
Process: Washed
Cupping Notes: Cacao, Mixed Berries, Lime


Luha and Issel come from a family of coffee producers that have been working hard for generations to bring
about a positive change in the cultural and commercial aspects of Honduras' coffee industry.

These sisters have defied the cultural landscape to become an
integral part of the coffee growing community through their
various projects
Establishing a local roastery with plans to open a coffee
shop in the futurex
Forming a co-op that now operates its own mil
Pursuing diversification efforts to create additional sources
of income through products like honey and fruit wines.

Honduras - Luha & Issel


    Gost Coffee Roasters LLC Est. 2018

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